About Us


Our story starts way back in 2021, when two young women, Prudence and Anna, were inspired to make a difference in the lives of girls and young women in Uganda.

Prudence and Anna were both born and raised in the Acholi sub-region of Uganda. They saw firsthand the challenges that girls and young women faced, such as the high rates of teenage pregnancy, the lack of access to education and economic opportunities, and the prevalence of gender-based violence.

Prudence and Anna were determined to do something to help. They founded Her Worth Foundation, a young women-led organization committed to empowering girls and young women in Uganda.

Her Worth Foundation has been working in Uganda for over three years. They have implemented a variety of programs and services, including menstrual hygiene education and training, skills training, advocacy for safe spaces for girls and women, leadership development programs, and GBV prevention and response.

Her Worth Foundation’s work has had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of girls and young women in Uganda. They have helped to break down the stigma associated with menstruation, improve economic opportunities for girls and young women, create safe spaces for them to learn and grow, prevent gender-based violence, and empower girls to take leadership roles in their communities.

Her Worth Foundation is committed to continuing its work to empower girls and young women in Uganda. They believe that by investing in girls, they are investing in the future of Uganda.

Our story is still being written, but we are confident that together, we can create a brighter future for girls and young women in Uganda.


To empower and uplift women by providing them with the neccessary resources, education and support to thrive in all aspects of their lives


To create a world where every woman realizes her worth, embraces her potential, and achieves her dreams.

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